AJK Global, Consulting Inc. provides consultants in following roles:
Drilling Supervisors
AJK has rig consultants on over twenty rigs drilling wells in the Bakken. Our consultants include drilling supervisors, directional drillers and night directional drillers. Most have 10 to 20 plus years of experience and bring expertise and knowledge from oil and gas plays across the country. AJK’s supervisors who oversee drilling operations are our clients eyes in the field, providing 24 hour supervision pre- spud to beyond rig release.
On-Site Frac Engineers
AJK’s frac engineers provide field supervision during fracture stimulation operations. They are on location to set-up the frac and supervise all stages, including continuous 24 hour operations. They are on-site to guarantee frac operations are moving forward and running smoothly.
Completion Supervisors
AJK’s completion rig supervisors provide the coordination and supervision to successfully bring a well on initial production or LOE work. At times the strategy can be a complicated procedure to remediate casing failures; other times it is running/pulling a frac string to support fracturing operations. Effectively communicating to the operator is a also a focus of our rig supervisors to minimize deferred production.